"Peace Messaging" Camp Peaceprints 2014

St. Mary’s School for the Deaf, 2253 Main Street, Buffalo 


Monday through Friday, July 14 -- 25, 2014.  9 AM to 4 PM

Announcing the seventh annual Camp Peaceprints, brought to you by the Interfaith Peace Network, the SSJ Sister Karen Klimczak Center for Nonviolence, and the WNY Peace Center. The Camp, for youth ages 8 to 13, provides exposure to a diverse community while introducing and exploring communication, social justice issues, and peaceful conflict resolution.

We learn how to cooperate, deal with feelings, and problem-solve, as well as exploring and hopefully being inspired toward Nonviolence. This year’s special focus on communication will include verbal and non-verbal elements, signing and various languages, the arts, music, movement, and spoken and written word. We'll also have wonderful guest presenters - activists and artists - from our communities. Students from St. Mary’s will be invited to join us in attending to our presenters, and in going on our weekly field trips. We’ll also play games, have recreation, do art projects, create a show, and enjoy a family pot-luck on July 24. The two-week program is $125 weekly per camper, and sliding fee/scholarships are available. Youth assistants and adult volunteers are an integral part of the program.

 For more information or to volunteer, please contact:

Vivian Waltz, Director of the Sister Karen Klimczak Center for Nonviolence, 716.362.9688  vivian@sisterkarencenter.org

Victoria Ross, Peaceful Conflict Resolution Consultant: Interfaith Peace Network; WNY Peace Center, 716.884.0582  victoryross9@gmail.com

John Dear "The Nonviolent Life"

Palm Sunday evening, April 13th, brought the Reverend John Dear to Medaille College for “The Nonviolent Life,” the seventh annual fundraising event for the SSJ Sister Karen Klimczak Center for Nonviolence. His passionate, powerful and at times humorous presentation focused on his own life’s journey as a person of     nonviolence, and how we can join him in working for a more nonviolent world. As Archbishop Desmond Tutu once told John about the work for peace, “Keep on! Every day!” John took frequent opportunities to remind us that Sister Karen lived that life of unwavering commitment to peace and nonviolence.

As put forth in his latest book The Nonviolent Life, John explained that the life of nonviolence requires three simultaneous attributes: being nonviolent toward ourselves; being nonviolent to all people, all creatures, and all creation; and joining the global grassroots movement of nonviolence. He stressed that we have to be relearning and practicing nonviolence continually because there is so much violence surrounding us, particularly in the global conflicts that the United States has perpetuated. In his travels around the world, John visited Iraq where he found children mystified by our country’s aggression. In Afghanistan, young girls surrounded him singing “We Shall Overcome” in their native language.

The occasion of Palm Sunday brought particular meaning for us as John elucidated the gospel of nonviolence. As foretold by the prophet Zechariah, Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey  demonstrated his humility and nonviolent spirit in stark contrast to the Roman soldiers and their weapons. John used the occasion of Jesus turning over the tables of the moneychangers in the Temple to demonstrate that Jesus was a nonviolent activist. Nonviolence must not be passive in the face of injustice.

A special part of the event was the presence of members of the Buffalo Peacemakers Gang Intervention and Outreach Program. John drew parallels between violence in the inner city and the violence of wars around the world where domination and abuse lead to poverty and violence as a way of life. Supervising Peacemaker Pastor James Giles presented John with a Buffalo Peacemakers t-shirt with gratitude for the inspiration to continue working on the streets of Buffalo. Pastor Giles assured John that the Peacemakers will be praying for him.

Sister Jean Klimczak presented John with the book Peaceprints: Sister Karen’s Paths to Nonviolence after which there was a time for questions and answers. While John was signing his book for those who purchased it, a reception with beautifully presented food gave an opportunity for people to fellowship together and share how meaningful the event was for them.

Our annual fundraising event was a success in every way!


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